We appreciate the continuous support of our friends and partners from the flight simulation community, aviation business and government for our mission to bring aviation and flight simulation closer to even more people.
Virtual Airline Partners
Network Partners

Provides infrastructure and organization necessary to conduct flight simulation as part of a global network

Provides infrastructure and organization necessary to conduct flight simulation as part of a global network
External Vendors
- iniBuilds
Creation and Maintenance of all our liveries
- simBrief
Sourcing and generation of flight briefing and planning documents
Aviation Industry
- skyguide
Donation of aviation maps, manuals and forms, transfer of knowledge and career support for young aviators
Organizational support, transfer of knowledge and career support for young aviators
- Swissport
Non-financial contributions
- Zurich Airport
Organizational support and non-financial contributions
Donation of manuals and forms, contributions
- Kanton ZH
Non-financial contributions
Non-financial contributions and transfer of knowledge
- Swiss Air Force
Non-financial contributions and invitations to exclusive events